Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hard to explain; paddle review

Originally uploaded by Iron Bieso
The photo shows the paddle I used Saturday, Rick Johns brought an extra and let me use it, don't let the narrow blade width fool you, it worked like a charm and felt featherlight, yet at the same time, hefty. It did take a little getting used to, but props out to Rick for bringing it and letting me use it. If one of his boats is a leap, his paddles are a nice first step.

My friend Jim and I paddled with aplomb on Saturday, but at one point he caught a tree trunk or something, caught it amidships and was a bit panicky, but he settled down nicely and didn't tip or anything.

But those things were everywhere on the river. It was really quite neat, a bit of wildness to the slow meander downstream. There were times, when I looked closely at these massive logs and the water ripping past them, where I thought, man, I would not want to run into that when I was busy gawking at an eagle or something.

Shallows played some games with us, too, but every once in a while there would be some big, bobbing hunk of something in the water, and it felt primal a bit, like my boat was a trifle compared to this waterway, as I went cruising by the thing.

Much like night kayaking, I think being on the Missouri River alone would be a bit scary. There is so much water, so much sand, so much tree debris. Being on the river at night would be doubly scary, but full moon paddles are fun.

P5100041Rick should organize one of those, or we'll just do this stretch again. But needless to say, even with the high gas prices, I can't wait to see you again, Missouri River.



Ed & Kay Hoffman said...

Sounds like fun. Do you have any pictures of the full paddle, looks very interesting. My wife and I are new to the sport and finding it very exciting. We are also big into biking and have a new Although not a snice as yours and sparce on content we hope to change that by the end of the summer.

Jarett C. Bies said...

Ed and Kay:

Thanks for visiting. Our club blog at has some more images from the trip. There you can e-mail Steven, my partner in club-blogging, and he can send you a link to even more photos.

I'm off to visit your site. Please join us June 1, we will have a paddling fair at Lake Alvin.